Friday, August 5, 2016

Inspired by Erma

Guest artist badge_rsz

I'm guest blogging on Club Scrap's blog today! I'm sharing my digi hybrid art journal layout featuring Erma Bombeck and one of her famous quotes.


Click here to see my art journal layout and a video of the process!





  1. Brilliant! I watched the video and learnt a few things. I love how you added the pen behind her ear, and the marker shading - I don't think I have seen anyone else do that before. Also, your nail polish colour is fab! I hope you are going to be doing more these?!

  2. Thanks! I'm planning on it! I love OPI's names for their polish, that one is Gelato on My Mind. Made me laugh, so that's the one I picked!

  3. Good luck - I hope it goes well for you!


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