Saturday, January 23, 2016


Who knew origami could be so "ribbiting"?! I found this origami frog tutorial yesterday when I was searching for easy origami tutorials.He really hops too! I think I remember making something like this when I was in elementary school. I'm pretty sure the teacher confiscated all of them from the class because paper frogs were hopping all over the room!I made a card using the 4♣ card from...
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Friday, January 22, 2016

01-2016 Technique Challenge...Origami!

I loved paper folding when I was a kid. Remember these?This month's Club Scrap Technique Challenge is to use origami elements on your scrapbooking or projects. I googled "easy origami tutorials" and this came up in the search results...Oh yeah, my kind of easy! found some Decopatch paper that was just right for folding and this is what I ended up with.[caption...
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Monday, January 18, 2016

♫ Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'...♫

[youtube]I loved that song when I was a kid! My sister and I would belt out the tunes in the backseat of Mom's Cutlass Supreme. We'd belt out tunes anywhere for that matter! This song was the first thing that popped in my head when I read the rules for the Club Scrap NBUS Challenge (Never Before Used Stuff) for this month...use a time/clock stamp...
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Sunday, January 17, 2016

True Love...

I was going to clean up my craft room and got distracted after I found a basket of Cricut die cuts. Creativity struck ( or was it avoidance of the huge pile of laundry I need to fold?!) and this card was born! Now I’m in a Valentine card making mood. My craft room will have to wait!                The card was posted in the Club Scrap 01/16 Card Sketch...
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Saturday, January 16, 2016

Bird Crazy and Dylusional!

I buy art supplies and they collect dust. It's probably a sickness, but (shrug) that's what I do. It's not that I don't want to use them, it's just...making time and time's a tickin'. I have done something artistic every day since January 1. I didn't really plan on making a New Year's resolution, it just happened and I have been sticking to it.  It takes 30 days to make a habit right? We'll see.December...
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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Keep it Tight!

Football season is over and on to the next adventure...POWERLIFTING!So proud of this kid and all of his teammates, they swept the meet! The ASH Powerlifting Team has a winning reputation and placed first in Nationals last year. Looking forward to a great senior season!Of course I had to document this event with a scrapbook layout or two, proud mom that I am...These pages are made using elements from...
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