Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Art of Making Others Happy

I haven't had much sugar in the last few weeks and these look DELISH!

CIC 413 Inspiration Photo

This week's color challenge was sponsored by Stamplorations and they are offering a $15 gift certificate to our randomly chosen winner!


The inspiration photo reminded me of the circus! Flashback to 1993...We were college students living in New Orleans and got tickets to take two year old Christopher to the Ringling Bros. Circus in the Superdome.

RB Circus 1993

He was sooooo excited! ( Chris looked like a little kid with that baby face!)

Chris and Christopher RB Circus 1993

Christopher wanted to sit by himself until they turned the lights off and the music started. My sweet boy... He passed out in his stroller on the long walk back to the car when the show was over. That was a such a good day!

RB Circus 2 1993

This was my card inspired by the challenge and my sweet memories of our time in the Crescent City! That sure was one happy kid!

[caption id="attachment_8511" align="alignnone" width="3435"]IMG_7261E Cutplorations dies, Club Scrap® card stock and stamp images.[/caption]


Be sure to visit the Cupcake Inspirations blog for the winner announcement and the details and link up for the new weekly challenge starting tomorrow!

Have a fabulous Saturday!




  1. What a great sentiment. A very happy card

  2. Such a true statement and gorgeous design! Love the way you've showcased it on the little wooden easel. <3 Hugs, Autumn

  3. What a fun "big top" themed card! I have vague memories of going to the circus when I was a child. I remember the excitement of traveling on the subway and seeing some really big elephants. (The elephants weren't on the subway, mind you)! How special that you turned your happy memory into a fun card. :)

  4. My artwork always reflects some memory. See? I made you remember some happy memories too! I love that!


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