Saturday, July 22, 2017

Dreaming of the BEACH!

JFF Rubber Stamps has the cutest beach/seashore themed stamp images! This card is soooooo me! I wear flip flops/Birkenstocks with everything.


Aren't these flip flops adorable and the script sentiment is perfect for my beach scene!

[caption id="attachment_8560" align="aligncenter" width="5184"]IMG_7304E Club Scrap® card stock. Perfect Pearls splatter, flowers, brads and seashells from my personal stash.[/caption]

They reminded me of the flip flops I decorated for my nieces a few years ago! I made a pair for all of them for Easter...If I would have found a pair in my size, I would have made some for myself too!

ASH Baseball 001

They didn't want to get their flip flops dirty, so they wore them as slippers. They love to dress up and play in Granny's jewelry box!

Easter Weekend 2013 071

Sweet babies...they were so little!

Easter Weekend 2013 072

My parents took this crew to the beach last week! No shoes? No problem!

[gallery ids="8588,8589,8590,8591,8592,8593" type="rectangular"]

We aren't planning on going until later in the summer. In the meantime, I'm dreaming of my toes in the sand!


If you haven't linked up to the JFF Rubber Stamps monthly challenge, DO IT! There's a gift certificate to the online store up for grabs! This month's theme is Wedding Time so make something romantic and link it up!

Have a fabulous Saturday!

Wendy Signature JFF DT1


I link to sources for your convenience. Affiliate links are used at no extra cost to you.

JFF Rubber Stamps (Beach-Seashore Category )

[gallery ids="8646,8645" type="rectangular" link="none"]


  1. Oh my gosh, those flipflops look adorable on your little girls, you mde them wonderful. And i can see where the inspiration for the card came from. looks like you had a fun time last week. Great and adorable card.

  2. Thank you! I love being the fun aunt! All of my nieces and nephews like to play in my craftroom!


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