Sunday, June 5, 2016

Summer Birthday!

The blondies had a summer birthday party. Lots of sun, swimming, friends, cookie cake and fun!

[caption id="attachment_1526" align="alignnone" width="3600"]Haylan Summer Birthday 2016 Club Scrap Boardwalk Digital Kit elements, Homemade Apple font.[/caption]

Kellan Summer Birthday 2016Millie Shows Off 5-2016

I sent their gifts through Amazon, since I didn't go shopping before the party. (Big sister Haylan gave me the list.) They got it a few days later. Hey, everybody likes to get mail!


Kellan superman


  1. 06-16 Club Scrap Idea Deck Challenge [gallery ids="1545,1546" type="rectangular"]

Do what makes you HAPPY!




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