Sunday, June 5, 2016

♫ I love a rainy night...♫♪

Yesterday it was raining, the house was quiet and I was all by myself. I had good intentions, I was going to clean up my messy craft room. I can't create in a clean space, what was I thinking?! I start picking up and get distracted. Something interesting catches my attention and before I know it 30 minutes has gone by. So, I threw in the towel and immersed myself in paper, ink and some old movies!



  1. retrosketches #217

  2. rs217

  3. 06-16 Club Scrap Card Sketch Challenge june-2016-card-sketch-challengeupload

  4. 06-16 Club Scrap Idea Deck Challenge

    [caption id="attachment_1508" align="alignnone" width="441"]052E Club Scrap Assembly Line Cardmaking Deck. Detailed cutting instructions are on the back of the card![/caption]

    Do more of what makes you happy!




  1. Awesome cards, Wendy! Love the color and variety of styles.

  2. Such great crds, Wendy and i love the fact that you use some of the older stamps!
    I love the first sentiment from Bistro!

  3. Me too! Bistro was my first digital kit. I LOVED the stencil.


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