Monday, June 27, 2016

Always a Bridesmaid

I've been a bridesmaid twice. The first time was for my college roommate's first marriage, the second time was for my sister's first wedding (they divorced and then remarried). Maybe having me in the wedding isn't very lucky! ~chuckle~I made this card for the Always a Bridesmaid - Use a Dress Form or a Dress challenge at Shopping Our Stash. I love this dress form image![caption id="attachment_1829"...
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The trouble with truffles...

 I love old movies, especially from the 30's and 40's! They way they dressed, hair and makeup...SHOES![caption id="attachment_1794" align="alignnone" width="1600"] The Women 1939[/caption]The Women inspired my card...Don't you love that quote?![caption id="attachment_1785" align="alignnone" width="5472"] Club Scrap card stock and stamp images. Images are from Extra! Extra! 2004 and Chocolate...
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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Ice cream, sun lotion and a "time out" chair with an umbrella!

I'm a Louisiana girl, born and raised. Though I did not grow up in south Louisiana, my family's Cajun roots are firmly established there. My grandfather grew up in St. Martinville and the rich, colorful Cajun culture is a short hop and jump away. When I was a little girl, my aunt gave me a book about the folk hero Clovis Crawfish. He was the creation of Louisiana legend Mary Alice Fontenot who...
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Friday, June 17, 2016

inside every grown up is a kid that just wants to play

The Blondies came to spend the week. I got to spend the day with them on Monday, and we had a craft day since it was raining. They wanted me to take pictures so that I could post their art projects on my blog...[caption id="attachment_1654" align="alignnone" width="5184"] Mills painting.[/caption]Millie first named her painting after Uncle Chris, then changed it to Jake the Snake!Haylan...
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Sunday, June 12, 2016

What a boon, what a do-er, What a dream come-a true-er was he!

♪With and eye like and eagle and as tall as a mountain was he!♫[youtube]My crazy daddy and his birthday antics! I can only imagine what he was like as a kid![caption id="attachment_1613" align="alignnone" width="720"] Beau picked out the coon skin hat![/caption][caption id="attachment_1614" align="alignnone" width="960"] Millie likes the gift they gave Pap![/caption][caption...
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Monday, June 6, 2016

C'est chic!

I've been inspired by my Aunt Barbara,  I love the way she decorates! Isn't her living room so inviting?! I want to sit on every seat just to appreciate all the clever arrangements...Her birthday is Friday, so I made some Paris themed cards in her honor. I'll pick my favorite to send to her![caption id="attachment_1568" align="alignnone" width="5472"] Club Scrap Paris Flea Market papers...
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Sunday, June 5, 2016

Summer Birthday!

The blondies had a summer birthday party. Lots of sun, swimming, friends, cookie cake and fun![caption id="attachment_1526" align="alignnone" width="3600"] Club Scrap Boardwalk Digital Kit elements, Homemade Apple font.[/caption]I sent their gifts through Amazon, since I didn't go shopping before the party. (Big sister Haylan gave me the list.) They got it a few days later. Hey, everybody likes to...
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♫ I love a rainy night...♫♪

Yesterday it was raining, the house was quiet and I was all by myself. I had good intentions, I was going to clean up my messy craft room. I can't create in a clean space, what was I thinking?! I start picking up and get distracted. Something interesting catches my attention and before I know it 30 minutes has gone by. So, I threw in the towel and immersed myself in paper, ink and some old movies!Challenges: retrosketches...
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