Monday, September 18, 2017

Today's Special...WATERCOLOR!

It's fall ya'll! Well, almost...technically, the first day of fall is September 22 according to the Farmer's Almanac, but it's close enough for me! I'm ready for crisp fall days when I can turn off the A/C, open all the doors and windows, light a fire pit on the patio with no mosquitoes and have a big pot of something delicious cooking on the stove! We planted a fall garden and I can't wait for some garden fresh vegetable soup and cornbread...and apple pie for dessert!

I loved my grandparents' stories about growing up during The Depression and what it was like to live on a farm. My Memaw wrote a blog called The Ridges of Lee County for a few years before she died. Her stories are short and sweet, but she sure could paint a picture with just a few words. I scrolled through her blog and found this post about harvesting cotton, even the kids had to work! I can just see this little Virginia with a cotton sack over her shoulder!

Virginia little girl

Her story inspired me to create this art journal's about as "Americana" as it gets.

[caption id="attachment_10761" align="alignnone" width="4576"]CS Artist Team Challenge Watercolor Art Journal 033E All stamp and stencil images from Club Scrap® . Available supplies will be listed at the end of this post.[/caption]

I found this cute little vintage photo and created the rest of the layout around him.

CS Artist Team Challenge Watercolor Art Journal 033E1

He kind of looks like this picture of my Papaw when he was a little boy!

Papaw little boy

I used some watercolor distressing techniques for a "vintage" look. I sponged the background with Distress Inks and blended with water. Here I colored my stamp with watercolor pencils and misted with water before I stamped for a faded effect. I purposely didn't line up the border stamp image, I like the imperfection!

CS Artist Team Challenge Watercolor Art Journal 046E2

I used the new layering stencil from Club Scrap® 's Orchard kit to create my title. I applied Distress Inks so that I could splatter with water droplets and remove some of the ink for an aged effect. I also used a paintbrush and flicked some spatters of Black Soot Distress Ink  mixed with water over the background. I did the same with some white gesso.

CS Artist Team Challenge Watercolor Art Journal 033E2

I just love this little scene!

CS Artist Team Challenge Watercolor Art Journal 046E

Today's post is part of the Club Scrap Artist Team Challenge blog hop. The challenge this month is to incorporate watercolor techniques into our projects. Be sure to visit the Club Scrap blog to see what Karen has created and you'll also find the complete list of bloggers there too. Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned for the Club Scrap Orchard blog hop next Wednesday!

Orchard blog hop photo

Do more of what makes you happy!

Wendy Signature with CS artist team


Club Scrap® is a monthly kit club and the kits are a limited-edition product. If you happened to miss out on some of Club Scrap’s paper kits, you should really check out all the corresponding digital kits! You'll find all available products used in this project with links listed below. I link to sources for your convenience. Affiliate links used at no extra cost to you. Please feel free to message me with any questions!

Club Scrap Orchard stencil


Club Scrap Orchard Jumbo Unmounted Stamps


Club Scrap Sonoma Digital kit

0310sonomacsd600 has discounted prices on Ranger Distress Inks !


Faber Castell Watercolour Pencil Set  from the Artist Supply Source



  1. Love your blog post today, Wendy. Awesome book and great memories.

  2. Thank you Hetty! I really enjoyed this challenge. I took a watercolor course in college and it is one of my favorite mediums. I love how easy it is to cover up "boo boos"!

  3. What a fun layout - love the story behind it too! Such fun :) TFS Wendy!

  4. Great reading the story behind your art. Makes the piece come to life.

  5. Omigoodness! How cool to see all of those different kit images from the past come together to make this perfect little scene. Love the story that goes along with it, too! I think you have your Memaw's gift for storytelling!

  6. You've really got a spectacular art journal going on, Wendy. Great combination of fall/garden stamps.

  7. Thank you Karen! What an awesome compliment! ❤️

  8. Thank you Lisa! I had fun looking through my stamps to find the right mix. Good grief I have a collection...opportunities like this help me use the forgotten ones!😆

  9. Love your art journal page!!!

  10. Thanks for taking me down your memory lane.

  11. Oh you're welcome! I'm glad you liked it!

  12. Absolutely gorgeous. I love how you always have this story to tell that leads up to your projects. TFS!

  13. I like the stories in your posts too. A little bit of life thrown in with the art. I can always see how your surroundings and history impact what you make. :)

  14. Art is life, life is art...sounds like a journal page! I'm glad you enjoyed the post!


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