Friday, February 12, 2016

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time these were new,  spotless and white, with little fat toes squirming in them.

[caption id="attachment_1145" align="alignnone" width="4636"]Wendy's Baby Shoes DPS Challenge 003E DPS Photography Challenge [/caption]

They belonged to this little girl.

Memaw and Wendy

Who belonged to that Memaw. I can still smell the lingering smell of bacon and coffee in that kitchen and hear the sounds of my sister and I running on the hardwood floors. Her pretty hands were soft from cocoa butter lotion that she kept by the kitchen sink and her nails were always perfectly shaped with an emery board. Her nimble fingers could cut out paper dolls from the McCall's magazine, hand stitch  baby doll clothes in an afternoon and make the most delicious pies and cakes. I miss her dearly. All of these memories from a little pair of shoes, once upon a time.



  1. So sweet, Wendy. Your Memaw was always so proud of you. ❤️Aunt Linda

  2. […] Once upon a time…  |  Made by Wendy Bellino A touching post, reminiscing on the memories that can be triggered by even the smallest of relics. […]

  3. How sweet! Funny how one item can bring back so many memories.

  4. We all miss her❤️Aunt Linda

  5. Good memories are a precious thing....those that we love are always with us.

  6. I like to think no so too. ❤️


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