My father-in-law turned 70 on Memorial Day. I met him for the first time just short of his 50th birthday and he doesn’t look a day older to me! He is the nicest man I know. I am very lucky to have him as my father-in-law and grandfather to my boys. He always gets a kick out of my handmade cards, so of course I had to make one for his birthday! He always says funny little sayings like, “shiny as a...
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Wild Card Graduation!
I used the Cricut Wild Card cartridge to make this cute graduation card, using Club Scrap cardstock of course! My Gypsy came in handy to fine tune the dimensions, instead of FTP. I cut the envelope to match too. I forget to use this cartridge! ...
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Club Scrap Die Cutter’s Blog Hop!
Welcome to the Club Scrap Die Cutters Blog Hop! Get ready to see some awesome projects using a variety of die cutting machines and fabulous Club Scrap paper. Are HERE!!! (Go HERE next to see what Hetty has created!)
Monday, May 16, 2011
Viva Las Vegas!
My sisters and my oldest and dearest friend surprised me with a trip to Las Vegas for my 40th birthday. My sister travels often for business and has been to Vegas numerous times, so she tailor-made our itinerary. It was an AWESOME trip! More pages to follow,I am putting a digital book together for each of them…...
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Thank you notes….
Ooof! I hated sending thank you notes after graduation. I would take one look at that little white card and get overwhelmed. I have to fill up the whole thing??? I had a good laugh a few years ago when my cousin sent me a thank you note for her graduation gift…” Thanks for the cash. I’ll try not to spend it on something that will make my parents worry.” I think I still have that note...
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Mother’s Day 1969
I posted the small picture of my Mom and I as my profile picture on Facebook as a Mother’s Day tribute. I encouraged her to tell the story of it on my FB page as a comment on the picture. I have heard the story many times, but I always like when Mom tells it. My Dad saw the picture and tried to find the original newspaper article that went with it, (Mom has it tucked away somewhere!) Since he couldn’t...
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Beau’s Baptism Card
My niece was baptized today! She wore the christening gown that my 86 year old Memaw handmade for me 42 years ago. I have a house full of boys. Maybe one day I’ll have granddaughters who will wear it. It was definately made with love. Sweet girl…she smiled the whole time. Of course the gift I am in the process of making for her isn’t ready (I am famous for this!), so I made...