Sunday, October 29, 2017

Behind Every Favorite Song is an Untold Story

Music is a universal feature of the human experience. Every human culture has music. We are moved by it. We are inspired by it. We feel connected to it. It reflects something profound about who we are and our experience of the world. The power of an old song can trigger vivid memories that seem to transport us back in time and space. Every one of my favorite songs has a story to go with it. Some of them I might share and some I'd like to keep to myself *WINK*!

Music has been a huge part of my life. My mom is one of nine children and family functions were always filled with music. Someone would play guitar or ukulele and everyone would sit in Grandma's living room and sing along. The repertoire consisted of old songs that Grandma sang as a little girl during the Depression, folk songs, old hymns, the Beatles, Gene Autry, Hank name it, they could play it and sing it! My paternal grandparents had a piano at their house. My Papaw taught me to play Chopstix and Heart and Soul. I begged to take piano lessons and took them until I started high school. I can still read music and play when I visit at mom and dad's. My husband gave me a ukulele for Christmas about five years ago and I taught myself to play. I can entertain myself for hours, until I'm hoarse and my fingers are sore!

Today's post is part of the Club Scrap Artist Team Challenge Blog Hop. The challenge this month is to visit the Club Scrap YouTube channel, choose a video tutorial with a technique that inspires us, then make pages, cards or other projects inspired by that video. I chose the Piano Hinge Book. I have a guitar tabs app on my phone, but having a collection of favorite songs in a handmade book is priceless. This way I can make notes (or write down a story) in my own handwriting. That will be a lost art one day!


[caption id="attachment_11577" align="alignnone" width="3111"]012E Club Scrap® Piano Hinge Book, All that Jazz card stock and border strip. Ribbon and gems from my personal stash.[/caption]

I copied and pasted my favorite music in a Photoshop Elements document and printed on Club Scrap® card stock. This was a song my Grandma would sing when she played guitar. I loved her voice.

My Blue Heaven

Maybe I won't need reading glasses to see this in the firelight!


The piano hinge binding is so intriguing. I love how the pages mesh together like cogs on a wheel!


I'm the last stop on the hop today. Be sure to visit the Club Scrap® blog for Karen's post and the full list of bloggers for more Club Scrap YouTube inspiration!

Thanks for stopping by, come back anytime and be sure to let me know you were here!

Wendy Signature with CS artist team


Club Scrap® is a monthly kit club and the kits are a limited-edition product. If you happened to miss out on some of Club Scrap’s paper kits, you should really check out all the corresponding digital kits! You’ll find all available products used in this project with links listed below. I link to sources for your convenience. Affiliate links used at no extra cost to you. Please feel free to message me with any questions!

Club Scrap All That Jazz Digital kit



  1. Thank you, Wendy, for sharing your memories and why you choose this project. Perfectly made and wonderful idea for your music! Love it!!

  2. Oh Wendy! Not only a beautiful project but a beautiful story! Thanks for sharing not only your talent but also a piece of yourself, your heart! You inspire me!
    Many Blessings,

  3. Super idea for your book Wendy! I've never been brave enough to give this binding a try...the finished look is amazing! TFS :)

  4. How sweet to having those special times with family! Your book is a grand way of honoring those wonderful memories. ♥️

  5. I always enjoy the stories behind your meaningful and special. How perfect you chose a "piano hinge" project for your musical memories!

  6. I'm so glad you liked it! Right back to you my friend!

  7. Roni, this was the easiest book I ever put together! No cutting or gluing (except on the fiber)! It's a must try!

  8. Thank you Cindy! Hearing and playing those old songs is medicine for my soul!

  9. Thank you Karen! That project dropped in my lap...literally! It fell out when I was cleaning off my craftroom shelf. The universe had spoken!

  10. What a sweet memory keeper, Wendy! Love all the special touches you added.

  11. Beautiful book! Love the quote and the has "Blue Heaven"...which is in my Sheltie's name...thanks for stopping by my blog!
    The Leaf Studio

  12. What a fantastic book! OMG I love it!


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