Sunday, February 26, 2017


"In France, flirting is like a way of life – it is an art form to them. It is in their culture, in their nature, in their blood. Flirting is very innocent, sweet, and never negative (like how it is sometimes perceived in the American culture)[...]Miaou!Yes, “meow” is correct. In France, it is quite normal for a man to say this to a girl/woman he finds attractive. It is the French catcall – and unlike...
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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Two Lost Souls Swimming in a Fish Bowl

I tried to relax on the ride home from work. The weather was cool, I had the windows down and I was in the first stages of "'s Friday". Then, "Wish You Were Here" started playing on the Pandora station I was listening to...such a great chill out song!How I wish, how I wish you were here. We're just two lost souls Swimming in a fish bowl, Year after year, Running...
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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Time for Tea

It took me a long time to learn to like hot tea.I like the ceremony of it. But, tea is not for impatient people. There is a process to making a good cup and it shouldn't be rushed.  However, I am not a patient person. I'm especially not patient in the morning when I need a caffeine jolt! Given the everyday choice I will choose a cup of hot coffee over a cup of tea, but I do love hot spiced tea...
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Saturday, February 4, 2017

STOP and Smell the Roses!

My grandfather always had roses in his garden. Red ones, and they smelled good too! He also planted climbing roses that grew up around the front porch. (My dad is the handsome teenager on the right!)When I was little, I would sit on the porch and pop off the thorns on the stems and he would get so mad! He always threatened to "pop" me, but he only did that once...He said he kept a switch...
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