Saturday, January 14, 2017

Beau Beau is 6!

The Birthday Girl!


I sent out a group text to our family this morning and asked them to describe Beau in one word...


Then, I sent her these questions to answer on her birthday...

1. What is your name? Beau Beau

2. How old are you?  6

3. What grade are you in? Kindergarten

4. What is your favorite thing to do? Have my birthday party!

5. What is your favorite song? Let it Go

6. What is your favorite thing to eat? Cake

7. If Duke (her yellow lab) could talk, what would he say? I love you, Beau Beau

8. What is the worst smell in the world? A skunk. Actually, the worst smell in the world is Duke's farts!

9. What do you want to be when you grow up? Dentist

10. What makes you laugh? When Duke does dancing dog! (Dancing dog is when he is on his hind legs and Joey or Beau holds his front legs.)

11. What is your favorite color? Pink and red

LOOK! Her first birthday... her little personality was shining bright even then, AND pink and red were her colors!



To quote my Aunt Barbara..."She's a character!"

[caption id="attachment_4670" align="aligncenter" width="555"] Lawn Fawn Let's Polka After Dark 6x6 Paper Pad, Lawn Fawn Clear Acrylic Stamp Set Say Cheese[/caption]

Happy Birthday Beau Beau! Eat lots of cake!


Aunt Wendy-woo


  1. […] liked the birthday card I sent her so much, I just had to make another one like it for the Cupcake Inspirations Challenge […]

  2. Oh my gosh, she is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! It's obvious how much her family loves her. Very sweet ~


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