Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Sorry about the mess, but we LIVE here!

I live in a frat house.Not really, but it feels like it sometimes! Two sons, a cousin, my husband and the dog. All male. I am the odd "man" out! I have to say that they are all pretty awesome housemates, though I am sure I get on their nerves with my constant nagging about mess. Hey, it's in my nature! I think it is a female trait to want things clean and organized. I can't help it! I used to kill...
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Saturday, January 28, 2017

Hedgehugs and Kisses

I know puns are cheesy, but they make me feel grate! (Ba-dum TSS!) My husband got a second date with a "punny" pick up line, and he asked for that second date because I laughed!  Classic Chris humor...One Saturday morning  we had an argument. He went outside to burn off steam doing yard work. The kids were being crazy, and I was hot, sweaty and angrily cleaning house. All of a sudden, he...
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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Color Me Happy!

I joined a photography challenge on January 1 called The Great 365 Project hosted on Diane Downs' photography website/blog and started posting my photos on Instagram . The January 18 daily prompt was "multiple" and I had just received my essential oils and bamboo diffuser from UPS! Don't you love this essential oil storage box ? I was really surprised to discover that my 30ml...
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Saturday, January 21, 2017

Toucan Play at THAT Game!

This was Eudie and Bert.Eudie was my Grandma, Aunt Bert was her older sister. Aunt Bert only had one  child, who she affectionately called "Son". Grandma, on the other hand, had 9 children and 27 grandchildren. Boy,  Aunt Bert liked all the action at my Grandma's when she'd come visit! Only problem was that they would argue constantly AND talk at the same time! I think Aunt Bert secretly...
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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Say Cheese!

This CA-RAY-ZEE had a birthday yesterday!I liked the birthday card I sent her so much, I just had to make another one like it for the Cupcake Inspirations Challenge starting today!The sponsor for this week's color challenge is Lawn Fawn and they are generously providing a prize of a stamp set and 6x6 pad to our randomly chosen winner. My card showcases the Lawn Fawn Clear Acrylic Stamp...
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Beau Beau is 6!

The Birthday Girl!I sent out a group text to our family this morning and asked them to describe Beau in one word...Then, I sent her these questions to answer on her birthday...1. What is your name? Beau Beau2. How old are you?  63. What grade are you in? Kindergarten4. What is your favorite thing to do? Have my birthday party!5. What is your favorite song? Let it Go6....
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Saturday, January 7, 2017

♫ It's Carnival Time!♫♪

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIq4FH01FiU]Louisiana carnival season has begun! January 6 is called Epiphany or Twelfth Night (since it's twelve days after Christmas) or Kings Day (hence the King Cake tie-in?). It marks the moment in the Bible that the three kings arrived in Bethlehem to behold the baby Jesus. Traditionally, Epiphany is considered the last day of the Christmas holidays....
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