Monday, August 12, 2019

Kitty Glitter

When you need advice you go to someone with experience. Laura is the cat guru/kitty whisperer.

My dilemma was that I needed a quote to go with this "purr-fectly comfortable kitty" stamp image...

DRS Designs Purr-fectly Comfortable Kitty

Ms. Kitty reminded me of Zsa Zsa Gabor's character, Lisa, from the TV series Green Acres, so I incorporated a fancy z-fold card design

Of course, a kitty this fabulous leaves sparkle wherever SHE goes!

The new Cupcake Inspirations challenge is all about the shimmer!

DRS Designs is our sponsor for this challenge and is offering a $20 gift code to our randomly chosen winner! Flash us your glitter for a chance to win! I'll look for you in the gallery!




  1. What a great card and a great idea! I love the "glitter" box! Love that cat stamp too!

  2. Lovely card, Wendy. I recognize the paper!!
    Have to come uop with a card for the challenge.

  3. Thanks for stopping by April and glad you like it!


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