Saturday, August 24, 2019

"V" is for Violence

My first introduction to horror movies as a little girl was Dracula starring Christopher Lee. I still sleep with my blankets around my neck!

I'm not a fan of gore, but I do enjoy a good psychological thriller. The "Psycho" shower scene scared me so badly in junior high that I was afraid to close my eyes while bathing (for years)!

Over time, my sense of horror has leaned to the witty dark side.

Hence, my macabre creation as the guest artist for the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers "V" for Violent! The sentiment sounds like something a homicidal maniac would write to their victim, so I wrote it with a black Sharpie using my non-dominant left hand and added some inky fingerprints!

Jewelry should be displayed prominently when given as a gift, right? So I found a pop-up tunnel card tutorial for the occasion.

The really creepy part of all of this was the warning in the directions I looked up for how to tie a noose 😳 (audible gulp). This is your opportunity to vent and show us your violent interpretation in a no-contact-don't-get-arrested-crafty kind of way!

Click HERE to link up your creation on the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers blog!


  1. I LOVE that card. I must admit to a sense of the macabre in my crafting. My handmade Halloween items are the top sellers in my shop and this has given me some ideas on expanding my line. Thanks for sharing (and possibly tearing down the taboo of having a dark sense of humor).

  2. Your card is completely brilliant, Wendy, and I spit my coffee everywhere when it appeared on the screen! Thanks so much for being our Queen of Snark, Jo x SoSS

  3. A dark sense of humor makes us interesting! “Never explain what you do. It speaks for itself. You only muddle it by talking about it.”

    ― Shel Silverstein

  4. 🤣 Glad you like it and thanks for having me!

  5. Fabulous card, love the directions to the noose. Awesome use of the theme.

    All hail the Queen of Snark!
    Thanks so much for joining the sisterhood!!

  7. Absolute brilliance!!! Is it wrong that I know how to tie a noose without needing directions? ;) Such a perfect addition to our V is for Violent inspiration! The crown suits you!

  8. Well, it IS a boating knot, no? 😳😅 You snarky ladies come up with some fun challenges. It’s always fun to play along!


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