Monday, April 2, 2018

Curiouser and Curiouser

The times, they are a changing. Change in life is a given. It's all in how we manage the process. I choose to welcome the changes, because they will happen whether I want them to or not. Sigh...I didn't put out Easter baskets this year.  I don't have little children anymore. My sons are 27 and 20. Part of me was sad that I didn't do it. It felt weird not to get out the Easter baskets, but I did buy a bag of their favorite chocolate!


We spent the day with the Chapman's. It was a beautiful day! Dad got the pool ready and the dinner cooked...


and Millie and Ellie made dessert!

Easter 2018 001Easter 2018 009

Ellie orchestrated a photo shoot with Steph, Granny and Mame.

easter-2018-017.jpgeaster-2018-024.jpgEaster 2018 021

This girl has STYLE!


These pretty ladies stayed dry and watched while I hit the pool with kids.

Easter 2018 012

Shaking my head...this four year old with a big ego likes to wrap Aunt Wendy around his little finger...and I let him!

Easter 2018 058

Jake and Kellan... sweet and crazy!

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Kyle, before and after the bloody nose. He said he'd rather ride the range rover anyway!

[gallery ids="12421,12413" type="square" columns="2"]

Haylan at bat and Millie cheating to keep Uncle Chris from catching the fly ball!

[gallery ids="12414,12415" type="square" columns="2"]

Last but not least, the Easter egg hunt! The "Easter Bunny" filled and hid the eggs early in the morning.


They had a candy feast!

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Of course I had to make a card to commemorate the day. A white rabbit showed up after all!

[caption id="attachment_12423" align="alignnone" width="4426"]CIC443 Bunnies 002E Club Scrap® card stock and digital element from the Literature kit. Embellishments from my personal stash.[/caption]

The new Cupcake Inspirations challenge started today and the theme is "bunnies". There are too many cute bunny images out there to use them just once a year!

CIC 443 Bunnies Theme Challenge

Sugar Pea Designs is our sponsor for this challenge and is generously providing a $25 gift certificate to our randomly chosen winner.


Make something using our theme and share it with us for a chance to win!

Wendy Badge[731]


Club Scrap® card stock

Club Scrap® Literature Digital Kit



Club Scrap 04/18 Card Sketch Challenge

CS 04-18 card sketch

Pile it On Challenge #141 Think Small

Love to Craft Challenge Blog #21 April Anything Goes

Hiding in My Craft Room #346 Freestyle!


  1. I am obsessed with Alice in Wonderland so you can only imagine how excited I was to see your white rabbit! Love this card and loved catching a glimpse of your holiday!

  2. Thanks for sharing your lovely family photos and the delightful Alice in Wonderland's rabbit theme card! Becca~ HIMCR's DT

  3. I’m so glad, thank you! I’m proud of my people. I ❤️ ‘d the movie, especially Johnny Depp’s mad hatter... AND of course PINK’s theme song. I’m a big kid when it comes to Disney movies!

  4. Looks like a very fun Easter - beautiful family! Oh and the food (brisket?) looked very delicious!

  5. I thought it was brisket was a tenderloin he cooked in the smoker! Gosh it was good and we had sandwiches the next day. Yum!

  6. What far-off yonder place do you live where a pool and shade is needed?! It's 33 and raining outside right now and my heart is aching.

  7. Loo-siana! We cheated and turned on the pool heater! BUT, it was still warm enough for shorts!

  8. I hate to rub it in, but the weather is beautiful right now...perfect for bike riding!😎ðŸĪŠ

  9. Thanks for sharing your Easter celebration! Looks like you all had a wonderful, relaxing time. 😊

  10. Wendy such a cute Alice in Wonderland Bunny card! So funny, I also have two sons, one is 27 and one is 22. Beautiful photos you shared. Have a great week!
    -Sandy G

  11. What a “coinkidink”! You would never guess they are 6.5 years apart, they are like twins. Glad you enjoyed the post!

  12. Fabulous card, love the design! Looks like you all had a wonderful time, enjoyed the photos! Thank you for sharing with us over at Love To Craft! Hope to see you again!
    ~ DT Sherry x

  13. What a lovely day!!!.. Beautiful photos!!!!

  14. Welcome to that little voice and thank you for following my blog.

  15. Thanks Margo and it's my pleasure!


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