Monday, November 27, 2017

My Soul Mate

Twenty-seven years goes by fast.

[caption id="attachment_12216" align="aligncenter" width="421"]Image38 Chris and Wendy November 24, 1990[/caption]

We've moved seven times, had three dogs, two babies, graduated from college, had 7 different jobs between us, bought our first house, bought our first car, raised our boys and here we are. There are still so many firsts to experience. Sometimes I feel like we are just getting started.  Our life isn't just a merry go round, it's the Tilt a Whirl and Texas Cyclone all rolled into one. Would I ride it again? In a heartbeat! I have a forever pass and I'm never getting off!

[caption id="attachment_2918" align="alignnone" width="960"]group-pic-in-aspen It's so hard to get him to take a normal picture! [/caption]

We don't usually go crazy celebrating our anniversary. We do things together, and for each other, all the time. I do like to make special things for him. He likes my handmade creations. He never balked when I wanted the spare bedroom as a craft room. He even bought me work tables and put them together so that I would have a place to spread out. He says that my artwork will be here long after we are gone and that kind of legacy is more precious than something you can buy. He knows how to break me down like a fraction!

So, what do I get for the man who gives me everything I've ever wanted or needed for the last 27 years? A little piece of my heart.

[caption id="attachment_12215" align="alignnone" width="3456"]005E Lawn Fawn sentiment from the Say Cheese stamp set, Club Scrap® stamp image and sentiment from the Delft kit. Club Scrap® card stock.[/caption]

Today's post is part of the Cupcake Inspirations color theme challenge #433.

CIC 433 Inspiration cupcake photo

My mini "Ram's Horn" maze booklet was made using the A♠ card formula from the Club Scrap® ALCM Idea Deck Vol. 2. This is such a great tool when I need a little inspiration! The cutting and assembly instructions are listed on the back of each card. I love that the only thing I have to think about is picking out complementary card stock! CIC 433 003E

I thought it would be nice to make this tiny book an ornament to hang on our Christmas memory tree. Our Christmas ornaments are priceless little treasures and I have a story to go with every single one. Decorating the tree is my favorite part of Christmas!

CIC 433 009E

I plan to fill the tiny pages with "sweet nothings", but there are so many things you could fill this little book with. The decorating possibilities are endless!

CIC 433 002E



Cupcake Inspirations is sponsored this week by Freckled Fawn, and they are generously providing a $15 gift certificate to our randomly chosen winner!Freckled Fawn

Make something using our color theme and link up for a chance to be picked as one of our sweet six and a lucky number seven! I’ll look for you in our gallery!

CIC Sweetie Signature


I link to sources for your convenience. Affiliate links used at no extra cost to you.

Club Scrap Delft Greeting Unmounted Stamps


Club Scrap ALCM Idea Deck Vol. 2



  1. Oh lovely.. That's an utterly cute Ornament and so unique.. I loved it Wendy <3

  2. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ adorable gift! Great idea to copy. 😊 Happy anniversary!!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  3. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Great idea to copy! Happy anniversary to you. Great looking family! Hugs, Lisa 😊😘😘😘

  4. Thank you so much Lisa, I’m super proud of them!

  5. Happy Anniversary, Wendy and cheers to many more years. your little booklet is absolutely adorable!

  6. Congratulations on 27 years! Woohoo! :)

  7. Gotta celebrate those milestones! We celebrated 40 years this year! :)

  8. Yes ma’am! That is awesome! Congratulations to YOU!

  9. Melitta Archibald BallNovember 28, 2017 at 9:48 AM

    Happy Anniversary you two crazy kids!! I feel the same about my dh, we married at 19 so we have grown up together and after 33 years I ain’t getting off this ride either!! Congrats, you should be very proud of what you have accomplished! Many hugs!!~Melitta

  10. Thank you my friend! When we got married Chris was 19 and I was 21. I remember thinking I was so grown up. Good grief we were just babies, but I wouldn’t change a thing! ❤️

  11. Love you both❤️Still remember your phone call announcing your wedding plans😘

  12. That little book is very sweet and congrats on 27 years!

  13. Aww! Happy Anniversary you lovebirds!

  14. Thank you Julie! I was pleasantly surprised when I saw how tiny it was. Fun little project!

  15. Hi Wendy, such a beautiful post. This is the first post of yours I've read and already I can so relate. In two weeks time I'll be celebrating 25 years married to my hub and like you I'm still loving the ride. Thanks for the follow. 💕

  16. I was actually in the middle of reading your Fearless at 52 post when I saw your comment! I found your blog when I searched tags for "fifty and fabulous". I'm so glad we connected!

  17. Aww really? Did you hear me sing too, haha, a bit of fun. 🙂 I'm glad we've connected too Wendy.


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