Monday, February 14, 2011

I "ink" I love you Club Scrap!

Welcome to the "spread the love" blog hop!  We are spreading the love of Club Scrap!  The challenge was to post a project, tutorial, or layout focused around Club Scrap products. The materials I am going to be using are from the Love Inkcorporated Special Release Valentine Collection from Club Scrap.  

A few years ago, I was tooling around looking for new art techniques to try and found an elementary school art teacher's lesson plans. She had posted pictures of before and after and the results were dramatic! I had to try it...I sketched out this picture of parrots and followed her instructions and voila!

Since I wanted to use this technique for the challenge, Club Scrap carries Faber-Castell watercolor gelatos (kinda like watercolor crayons, but smoother and comes in a really cool lipstick like container!). That is what I'll be using instead of tempera paint from the lesson plans link above. 

Materials List:
3*4" piece of CS (Club Scrap) cardstock from the Memoirs kit
Watercolor gelatos
UM (Unmounted Stamps) Love Inkcorporated stamps
CS sandstone ink (very light)
Speedball waterproof India ink
Foam brush
Krylon gold leafing pen
4.25*11" piece of black cardstock scored in half horizontally to make a 4.25*5.5" card
3.25*4.25 " piece of red cardstock to matte
4*5.25" piece of red cardstock for the card liner
Tim Holtz grunge board die cuts
Tim Holtz Distress ink in Vintage Photo
Tim Holtz Crackle paint in tarnished brass
Adirondack paint dauber in gold

I stamped the UM heart with the keyhole onto the white cardstock.

Color in with the gelatos, but leave space between the colors.
This is what it should like. See all the white space?

Using a waterbrush or paintbrush with water, blend the gelatos...leave the white space! 
Dry with a heat tool, or let it air dry before this step.  Get a foam brush and the India ink...
Brush the entire piece, yes completely cover, with India ink!
Let this dry for about 30 minutes.  Rinse under cool water and gently rub with your fingers to remove the ink.  Don't "scrub" it, be gentle.  It's like magic, your picture appears with detail!
It is going to be sopping wet, so don't let it lie flat.  Shake off the excess and let it dry on an incline or dry it with a heat tool. 

I cut out the heart with a craft knife and painted my die cut grunge pieces. 

I distressed the edges of the cardstock with a Tonic distressing tool from CS. I inked the edges with the distress ink and layered all my pieces. I popped the heart up with black Scrapbook Adhesives foam squares from CS. I glitzed it up and rubbed the edges of the cardstock with the leafing pen. I stamped "True Love" UM greeting with the gold dauber...

Check out the other CS artists!

Blog Hop Order...

Cape Cod Scrapper
Creating with Connie
Crzymom's Tidbits
Juju's Folly
Lift Bridge Cards and Crafts
Making Impressions
My Artistic Escape
Pages of Pictures
Scrap Happy Sisters, Ink.
Where the "ArT" is... --ME! You are here!

Also linked to
Click here for the link party!
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Monday, February 7, 2011


This is my favorite.  Club Scrap Generations digital kit....
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I've been experimenting a little with digital scrapbooking.  I was afraid of it at first because Photoshop Elements was daunting!  Club Scrap has some fantastic digital kits and tutorials for beginners thru advanced, and I also found some more today from DCWV/ . I initially ordered my first digital kit so that I could duplicate scrapbook pages for my sisters and my best...
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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Just playin' journal entry

I bought some Faber-Castell watercolor gelatos from Club Scrap to stamp with.  I really like them better that watercolor crayons.  They are smooth....I also bought some oil pastels after I saw a video using them to color in a stamped image.  I really like that look.  I made some samples that I added to my art journal....I feel some fun projects coming on.  ...
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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Valentine's Day gift bags!

I had so much fun making up these Valentine's Day gift bags for my nieces and nephews.  They are all still little...I made the heart shaped bags and the popcorn box with my Cricut and the Tags, Bags, Boxes and More cartridge.  The papers are from K & Company.  I couldn't resist buying Lip Smackers for the girls! I used to love that stuff when I was a kid.  My sister...
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My Smash journal....

After I saw the EK Success video for the new Smash Journals I was inspired! I have a bunch of old notebooks that I needed to put to use, so I made my own.... I love this Graphic 45 paper... Now, to make myself write in it regularly!  I am so bad about that! I like the idea of just jotting things down, maybe attaching a card that I received from an old friend, notes about things that...
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