Tuesday, January 21, 2020

You Give me a Royal Headache

No, this is not going to be a post about the British royal family...though I have been keeping up with the gossip online. "Megexit" is oddly fascinating, but who has time for that? I have my own life to worry about and crafting deadlines to meet! Sheesh, all of that pish posh gives me a royal headache!I saw the new challenge on the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers blog and made a quick card using the...
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Saturday, January 11, 2020

10,000 Thank Yous!

Janie "The Craft Princess" has asked some of her fellow crafters to be a part of a 10,000 Thank Yous celebration video hop as a way of saying THANK YOU to her 10,000 subscribers! Ten sponsors, who have been an important part of Janie’s crafting journey, have donated a total of over $450 in prizes!  Each crafter will offer a gift certificate or a prize package from one of the sponsors on...
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Saturday, January 4, 2020

Shake One in the Hay and Spit on It!

It sounds gross, but it's not! “Shake One in the Hay and Spit on It” is soda jerk lingo for a strawberry shake with raspberries on top. These guys had slang all their own for calling out orders. Soda fountains had handbooks of recipes they had to memorize, but hundreds of variations were created on the fly by the creative Soda Jerks. They had to put on a show to get that tip!     ...
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