During the Christmas holidays, my 12 year old showed me a "bump" on his forearm. I didn't think much of it, he plays every sport there is and then some (including Jyu Jitsu)! I told him that if it didn't go away we'd go to the doctor to get it checked out. Turns out he had a benign tumor, a hemangioma, and had to have it removed. We had a hard time finding a surgeon who would remove it. Then we went to Dr. McCabe. We had heard great things about him and decided to make an appointment. The first thing that got my attention was that he had the physician's prayer framed and displayed on an old desk in his waiting room. As I looked around the room, he had photos of patients he had treated in Africa. The pictures weren't showy or posed. They were of him WORKING. Turns out his specialty is hands. I have always noticed "hands", they tell you so much about a person. Second plus for me. Then we met him. Cut and dry and didn't beat around the bush. That is what I needed to hear. My husband made an interesting analogy when we were discussing how to make the decision which surgeon do we choose? How do you decide something like that? How do you know he/she is the best? My husband drew on his own experiences in football. Do you want the quarterback who can't make a decision without the coach, or do you want the quarterback who says, "Give me the ball."? I wanted confidence, and Dr. McCabe said to give him the ball. The day of the surgery, there were 4-5 scheduled before ours, and one of them was a double mastectomy. He was a wanted man. Made me feel better, but I didn't want my kid to be the last patient of the day! We waited all day, and then he was in and out in 30 minutes. No problem. Dr. McCabe came in to check on Jake before he left and I asked if he was ready for a nap. He looked kind of funny and said, "Well, after this cup of coffee, I have to go across the street for three more surgeries." He smiled and patted Jake and left. The nurses all told me that that is not an unusual day for him. They love him. Thank God that Jake's tumor was benign, but knowing that he was cared for by someone like that means a lot. I made this for him. I thought it fit...

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