Monday, March 15, 2010

Everything Old is New Again!

Can you believe I almost threw this out? My husband would roll his eyes at that. He says I always throw/give away his stuff... This was a TV remote holder turned pencil/tool holder for my craft table. LOVE IT! One of the few things that I actually keep! Ten Seconds Studios...check them o...
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Who Dat???

Do you love it or what??? I got this really neat post it note holder idea from the internet and decided to try it out. It is an acrylic picture frame! I made the fleur de lis pendant as a pin to wear for Super Bowl Sunday. I had watched Suze make some really neat stuff in her Schmooze with Suze videos and wanted to give it a try. Helps to work in a dental office, I used our dental materials to make...
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Healing Hands...

During the Christmas holidays, my 12 year old showed me a "bump" on his forearm. I didn't think much of it, he plays every sport there is and then some (including Jyu Jitsu)! I told him that if it didn't go away we'd go to the doctor to get it checked out. Turns out he had a benign tumor, a hemangioma, and had to have it removed. We had a hard time finding a surgeon who would remove it. Then we went...
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Metalize Your World!!!

Last October, I took Ten Seconds Studio's Certification Workshop. It was an awesome, intense, CREATIVE, make your eyes red from no sleep kind of workshop! I couldn't wait to go home and start to "metalize" my world. Cheryl handmade our certificates... Oh! I got to meet Megan and Cheryl! (This is a big deal for those of you who haven't been introduced to their videos, they have a serious cult...
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