Sunday, May 19, 2019

Mother's "May"!

My best friend Sheri hosted a Mother's Day celebration!Sheri and Amy gave a beautiful welcome speech and it was decided that the month of May should be "Mother's May"! It was a rainy Saturday, but we had great food (party food is my weakness!), beautiful flowers and good company! These ladies were a hoot! We played the Garden Glove Unwrap game and some of these "sweet thangs" are pretty competitive...
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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Gone Fishin'!

I don't like to fish, but I love to go fishin'! I would go with my grandmother sometimes when I was was a girl. It was kind of an honor if you got an invitation to go with her. We'd leave early in the morning, set up on the big bridge, stick our poles in the water and enjoy. We didn't do much fishing, but she liked to talk and tell stories and I liked to listen. She also packed a mean picnic lunch....
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Monday, May 6, 2019

Coffee With CLASS!

I've enjoyed coffee for as long as I can remember. My grandparents spoiled us rotten when we were children. Memaw would wake up early and put the kettle on while she cooked bacon for breakfast. She'd have the Corelle coffee cups and saucers ready, with a few teaspoons of Folger's crystals in the bottom, and waiting for hot water. The cups were so thin I used to imagine I could bite them like the Chocolate...
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