Sunday, January 28, 2018

Think Happy Thoughts

Life is complicated and messy, but surprising and wonderful all at the same time. It's so easy to become negative with all the chaos around us, but you can choose to be happy.I will be 49 in March. That sounds so strange! Midlife, middle age...the wrong side of forty! Eh, it's just a number. I hit a turning point in my life this year and I choose to focus on happiness for the next half of it. It's...
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Monday, January 8, 2018

Whiskey, Honey and a Little British Influence

My family rang in the new year with the flu. Happy Freaking New Year! Jake started running fever on New Year's Eve. After nursing him for two days, I got it too. Apparently, the flu was epidemic this year and the local pharmacies were out of tamiflu. Thank goodness for Pinterest and loads of home remedy recipes. I settled on the couch with a warm robe, fuzzy socks, a comfy Afghan and a hot toddy in...
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Sunday, January 7, 2018

Just the Right Shoes

I am a shoe buying addict. I'm selective about the style, but I'll buy all the colors that are available if the style complements my feet. SHHHH! I have bunions and when I find just the right shoes, I snatch them up! I've learned to choose comfort over style. The turning point for me was a hard lesson on my 40th birthday. My sisters took me to Las Vegas and had quite an agenda planned that required...
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