Saturday, January 31, 2015

♫Do you want to build a Snowman?♪

My nieces LOVE the movie Frozen! A friend posted a picture on Facebook of her 3 year old wearing the cutest "Elsa"crochet hat with a braid on the side. Of course I had to find out where she got it so that I could get some for the "little blondies"! I ended up ordering two Elsa hats, one Anna and an Olaf for my 1.5 year old nephew. I was as excited as they were for them to get their snail mail. Their mothers had explicit instructions to take pictures and send them to me immediately! This one was from my sister in Oklahoma. Her first piece of snail mail in OK and her birthday present!


My sister-in-law videoed the drama...


Man, that bubble wrap envie was hard to open! 

The other three little blondies in their Frozen hats...
Oh to be little again and get excited by snail mail! ♫Do you want to build a Snowman?♪


  1. You have got to learn to crochet! Those little hats are not too difficult to make. Bet you are the "favorite auntie." Aunt Linda

  2. hahaha you're so very kind auntie! :D and they are sooo cute with those hats :)


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